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Our Projects

Current - Upcoming - Recently Completed

Aerial Pine Trees

Seedling Sales

We are currently taking seedling orders for our April tree sale.
Email us at KSSWCD@YAHOO.COM ,
Call us at 208-209-4348 or Click here for an order form.  
This is an annual project that we do every Spring.


Fishing Boat

Boat Stations

We have four boat stations set up throughout Kootenai and Northern Shoshone Counties.The boat stations open as early as March 6 and go through October 31 of each season. These boat stations help to prevent invasive species such as quagga and zebra mussels from entering our lakes from infested areas throughout the country.  These mussels damage boats, gear, fisheries, and water infrastructure. If you would like to learn or educate yourself on what to look for when inspecting your own boat, just stop by one of our boat inspection stations and our inspectors will gladly show you the proper way.  Clean-Drain-Dry is our motto.

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Gathering Garden


We are currently sponsoring an enhancement project with Kootenai Environmental Alliance (KEA) this year. KEA is always doing outreach and having workshops that are open to the public.   You can see more about The Gathering Garden and other projects on their web page

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Wolf Lodge Creek - Reach #3 - Streambank Restoration Project

We have currently completed a new streambank restoration project in the Wolf Lodge Creek area.  The project will be for 2000 ft. of restoration across 2 landowners property. This project is being funded through the Restoration Partnership and DEQ with sponsoring partnerships from Avista, North Idaho Fly Casters, Trans Canada, and the landowners. We are super excited to have this project completed. Click here to see the photos of the completed project. 

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